Hi Hailiang,

yes, phenix.maps tool (command line) can compute any number of regular kFo-jFc or sigmaa weighted kmFo-jDFc maps, where k and j are any user-defined numbers. The maps can be output as in various formats (MTZ, Xplor/CNS, CCP4). B-factor sharpening can be applied.

The sharpening B-factor is determined automatically or can be supplied by the user.

The equivalent thing in the GUI: Maps -> Create Maps.


PS> There is PHENIX bulletin board for PHENIX specific questions:

On 8/9/10 10:01 AM, Hailiang Zhang wrote:
Hi there,

Does phenix have any utilities which can do B-factor sharpening (with
user-specified Bsharp values) when calculating maps? Thanks!

Best Regards, Hailiang

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