Hi Hailiang,

I posted this several times and here is another one.. The exact formula and all the related details are here:


(there is a small typo in the formula found by Lothar, but I leave it for you to find -:) )

Also, here is another discussion related to R-factor mismatch that you might find helpful:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Finally, to answer your question, I would suggest to have a look at:

/J. Appl. Cryst./ (2010). *43*, 669-676

which discusses the observations you have.


On 8/14/10 7:03 PM, Hailiang Zhang wrote:

I have a very simple question about the R factor. I was trying to
reproduce the R factor reported in the PDB file. I used phenix.fmodel
incorporating solvent model, anisotropic scaling etc to calculate Fc, but
frequenlty it doesn't match the PDB R factor.

Now I am wondering what is the scaling factor generally used when
calculating R factor? Thanks a lot!

Best Regards, Hailiang

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