Hi Kristof

If you use the ActiveTcl wish for your "MOSFLM_WISH" environment variable rather than the X11 wish that the ccp4 install uses, you get nice Mac fonts which have had their sizes chosen so they look good. You would need to

(1) Install the ActiveTcl distro (unnecessary if you're running OSX 10.6, Apple's wish 8.4 is good on that)

(2) set MOSFLM_WISH to point to the ActiveTcl wish8.4 in your .cshrc, .login, or .bashrc, so it's persistent through sessions

(3) run ccp4i, go to "System Administration->Configure Interface" and change the line "Command to run iMosflm" to something like

[GetEnvPath MOSFLM_WISH] [file join [GetEnvPath CCP4I_TOP] imosflm imosflm.tcl] project [GetCurrentProjectDir [GetCurrentProject]]

Needless to say, this is what I do!

The [GetEnvPath MOSFLM_WISH] is the bit that tells ccp4i which wish you wish to use for iMosflm

If you really want to use the X11 wish for iMosflm on OSX, then it is possible to change the font sizes if you're prepared to edit some of the Tcl code in imosflm/src/imosflm.tcl - look for lines that define the fonts for different platforms, e.g.

# Set up fonts used in GUI - these will be slightly configurable one day
set normal_font_size 12
if {$::tcl_platform(os) == "Windows NT"} {
    set normal_font_size 10
} elseif {[tk windowingsystem] == "aqua"} {
    set normal_font_size 14
} else {
    set normal_font_size 12

But I wouldn't do that. Why buy a Mac with a beautiful Aqua display if you're going to use the X11 display?

(actually, to answer my own question, Bltwish, {which is required for ccp4i} hasn't been ported to Aqua and probably never will be, which is why ccp4i on Macs use the X11 version)


On 17 Aug 2010, at 10:59, Kristof Van Hecke wrote:


I've just installed the latest iMosflm 1.0.4, as well as the CCP4 6.1.13 suite (under Mac OS 10.5.8).

However, where does iMosflm get its font sizes..?
(these are quite big actually, and I'd like to reduce them)

Thank you very much


Kristof Van Hecke

Kristof Van Hecke, PhD
Biomolecular Architecture
Celestijnenlaan 200F
3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

Dr Harry Powell,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road,

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