In fact the old PROCHECK which is still distributed with CCP4 I think does it - I am not sure that it obeys any current PDB criteria, bur it will give you two matching files.


James Stroud wrote:
You seem to have two different criteria listed, one more general than the other:

1. You need two or more PDB files to have the side chain atoms in the same order. 2. You need a specific ordering of side chain atoms applied to all PDB files.

The former is easier because it doesn't require some committee to waste their time agreeing on an ordering.

If the latter suffices and it is a one-off task, then I can do it for you. I have an API for this kind of thing, but it is not documented...yet.


On Aug 20, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Charles W. Carter, Jr wrote:

Is there a program that will read in a pdb coordinate file and re-order the side chain atoms in each residue according to a standard order?

I've a program that compares two files for the same structure, but requires that the order of the atoms be the same in both cases. I'm using a variety of files in which the residue atoms are ordered either main chain first or side-chain first. I've not found a suitable program in the CCP4 suite, though one might exist. MOLEMAN2 doesn't seem suitable, either.



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