Beamtime available at CHESS, October 13 - December 7, 2010

The CHESS/MacCHESS facility, located at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, invites macromolecular crystallographers and users of BioSAXS to apply for time on one or more of our stations:

A1 station, monochromatic wiggler source, suitable for Se SAD experiments as well as native data collection, with ADSC Q-210 detector.

F1 station, monochromatic wiggler source, suitable for Br SAD or native data, with ADSC Q-270 detector and ALS-type automounter.

F2 station, wiggler source tunable from 7 - 14 keV, can be configured either for MAD/SAD experiments, with ADSC Q-210 detector, or for BioSAXS experiments, with ADSC Q-1 detector.

G1 station, wiggler source with multilayer optics, general purpose station which will be available for SAXS experiments during part of the run; good data can be obtained for d-spacings up to 2500 Angstroms.

===== Special options ======

Pressure-cryocooling of (unfrozen) crystals is available by prearrangement. This method can reduce the damage induced by cryocooling, often with no need for cryoprotectants (Kim et al., Acta Cryst. D61, 881-890 (2005)).

Microbeam (down to about 5 microns) using focusing capillary optics is available on request at any of the stations.

=======  Support =======

CHESS/MacCHESS provides a high level of support for all users. We are very willing to help with non-standard experimental setups - just ask. Our staff scientists also invite collaborations for more extended projects investigating novel techniques.

Mail-in service is available - we will be pleased to collect (and process, if you like) data from crystals that you send to us.

======== Applying for time ========

Visit http://www.chess.cornell.edu and look at "Beam Time" under the "Users" menu. All applications can be done on line, any time. Processing of proposals is rapid, with a turn-around time of just a couple of weeks for the usual Express Mode option.

More information is available on the web site, or contact administrator
Kathy Dedrick, k...@cornell.edu.

========= More about pressure-cryocooling =================

In 2009, pressure-cooling succeeded in increasing the success rate for cryocooling users' crystals which had previously yielded only one good "freeze" out of dozens or hundreds.

The option of pressure-cooling in capillaries is available for crystals which are not compatible with oil coating, or are subject to mechanical damage during loop mounting.

Reminder: pressure-cooling will not improve crystals that are bad at room temperature; what it does is reduce damage on cryocooling. Please verify that your crystals show acceptable diffraction at room temperature before requesting pressure-cooling.

For more information on pressure-cryocooling, contact Chae Un Kim, ck...@cornell.edu.

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