Hi Nukri,

Note that in the ultra-high resolution structure of aldose reductase 
we didn't see all (or most) hydrogens. So, the converse question one could ask 
is why we didn't see all of them? Was it only because of higher B-factors  or 
because some of them were stripped during data collection?

yes, we saw ~54% of them - I used to work on this at some point too ( Blakeley MP, Ruiz F, Cachau R, Hazemann I, Meilleur F, Mitschler A, Ginell S, Afonine P, Ventura ON, Cousido-Siah A, et al. Quantum model of catalysis based on a mobile proton revealed by subatomic x-ray and neutron diffraction studies of h-aldose reductase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2008;105(6):1844--1848.)

My impression at that point was that we did not see the rest partially because the model was not "good enough" (in terms of seeing fine details). What I mean is that improving model from R-factor~10 to R~9% resulted in adding ~10% more visible H atoms. When I then refined the model down to ~7% using Interatomic Scatterers model (to account for deformation density) the amount of observable H atoms increased from published 54% up to ~68% or so (writing from memory). So, hypothetically, I guess, if we could refine it down to some lower R-factor we then would see even more H atoms (and the rest, if we finally don't see them - would probably be those that gone). The resolution and B-factors are necessary but not enough to see H atoms - the overall noise level is a key too.

All the best!

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