ealrier on this forum Artem have posted about PTM
in bacteria.
this answer your question on PTM in bacteria.


"Yes, this does happen.
Spontaneous α-N-6-Phosphogluconoylation of a "His Tag" inEscherichia
coli:The Cause of Extra Mass of 258 or 178 Da in Fusion Proteins


There are other options out there too but this one comes to mind first.


On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 9:09 AM, vikrant saa <powervikr...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Dear all
> Thanks for yours valuable suggestion.
> Just some addition information to make the query clear.
> 1)My protein has 14 cysteine residues.
> 2)It is not a metal binding protein.
> 3)I have added the protease inhibitor cocktail + PMSF during sonication and
> cleavage. I saw only one band of protein bind on beads. Two band appears
> after cleavage.
> 4) I used TEV protease for cleavage. I express it at 24 degree for 16 hrs in
> Rosetta 2DE3
> 5) I have to do MALDI and MS MS to know exact molecular weight and sequence
> that  differ  in both the proteins. Most of the  peaks in peptide mass
> fingerprint match exactly while some are at different position and
> size. Amino acids sequence similarity  in both the cases are upto 1-405
> amino acids (as per limitation of peptide mass fingerprint it show some
> region upto 1-405 matching in both the proteins).
> I  have certain doubt/solution(s) on the basis of yours feedback and above
> information.
> 1) How come PTM can play role when protein expressed in bacteria.
> 2) TEV is a very specific protease hence non specific cleavage less likely
> occur.
> 3) Cysteine residues or temperature dependent expression may be one of the
> reason of two band of protein.
> Further suggestion to get rid of this problem will be highly appreciated.
>  With Regards
> Vikrant

Pius S Padayatti
Polgenix, Inc.
11000 Cedar Ave, Suite 260
Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: 216-658-4528
Fax: 216-658-4529

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