In my hands GFP fusions can produce colorless crystals (but still have GFP!)
depending on the condition. Sometimes the crystals gradually become
colorless with time - bleaching or perhaps some chemical effect - no idea.
I've not tested the colorless crystals with UV to see if they still glow.


On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 3:41 AM, Tri Ngo <> wrote:

> Dear CCP4 community,
> I wonder if anybody has experience about the color of GFP crystals. Is
> there any chance that the GFP crystal will become colorless? We are working
> on one membrane protein fused with GFP. Since we got some crystals which
> didn't show any color (Condition 01), I am not sure if I should go for
> optimization.
> Please check the link below for the image details:
> Because of the limited amount of sample, we used Topaz system (screening
> chip) to do the screening and there is no way to confirm these crystals are
> actually protein crystals. I noticed that the crystals are bigger day by
> day. Is it a good sign to confirm the protein crystals?
> Thank you very much for your helpful information!
> Best wishes,
> *
> TriNgo
> *
> Structural Biology Lab
> School of Medicine - Sungkyunkwan University
> Phone: 031-299-6150

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