Call for applications to the Membrane Protein Lab at Diamond 



Dear Crystallographers,


The Membrane Protein Laboratory (MPL) at Diamond Light Source in
Oxfordshire (UK) is pleased to announce that is now open our call for


The MPL is a joint venture between the Diamond Light Source and Imperial
College London. It is a collaboration between Prof. So Iwata at Imperial
College and Dame Prof. Louise Johnson and Dr Gwyndaf Evans at Diamond.


The MPL is a state-of-the-art lab, fully equipped with purification
systems and crystallisation robots for membrane proteins.


The facility is open to applications from groups anywhere in the world.
Users are able to visit from a few days to a more extended periods
depending on their project.


For more information on MPL please see our website:


and for 


information on how to apply and application forms please follow the


The deadline for this call is 23:59 on Friday 26th November 2010.  



If you have any questions or would like to discuss an application,
please contact the MPL group leader Dr Isabel Moraes by email: 



With best wishes,

Isabel Moraes





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