Dear colleagues,

I have a tartaric acid on a two fold axis with its two halves related
by the two fold.  How do I refine this in Phenix?

Also I have a SO4 on a 3 fold with S and one O on tthe 3 fold.  The
other 3 oxygens are related by the 3-fold.  How do I refine this in
phenix?  I can put S and one O occupancy 1, what occupancy do I put
for the 3 oxygens that overlap their symmetry mates?

And how do I maintain stereochemistry around the symmetry axis?  These
are not just one atom. For the tartaric acid the 2 fold goes through
the middle of the bond.  I could split it in two halves but I do not
see how to keep stereochemistry.

I would appreciate all suggestions.

I apologize because the question should go to another newsgroup but I am
still working with my subscription in phenixbb.

Jackie Vitali

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