Dear All,

I have a MAD dataset at 4Å and shelxD can find clear-cut 10 solutions (my 
protein has 12 methionines). I ran autosharp to refine them followed by density 
modification. After density modification, I ran solvent flattening. Then I 
calculated the anomalous map using the phase from sharp and the electron 
density map from solvent flattening. The anomalous map  shows the density 
around these 10 selenium sites are clear and round. However, the density map 
from solvent flattening showed that only 4 selenium sites have clear and round 
density.    The density around these 4 sites clearly showed beautiful helices. 
surprisingly, other 6 selenium sites have poor density or no density at all.  
The electron density around them is not very good and the predicted helical 
density is flat. I check the electron density before I ran solvent flattening. 
The result is same.  I am quite confused about the big difference from these 
two maps.  I also try SnB to find the selenium sites. The solutions are same as 
those from ShelxD. But How to explain the poor density around the selenium 
sites in the density modification map?  Is there any problem with my selenium 
sites? Any suggestion from crystallographic experts?  Thanks.

Mousheng Wu, PhD
Center for Membrane Biology
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
6431 Fannin Street, Houston, TX, USA, 77030

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