Regarding the riding hydrogens:
They are obviously not visible, but your protein in solution is also not 
visible but still has those weird riding hydrogens:-)
Use them, they are there. And ther was a recent compendium of neutron 
scattering in one of our favorite journals if you really want to see them.

Another rule to add:
You are 98% done with refinement of your structure, does it really matter - I 
mean from a functional/ biological perspective ?
Is it wrong to stop at some point ?
This of course implies you've already passed rule 3-5 from Robbie.

Just some Espresso-thoughts in the morning


Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894
Fax:      +1-410-955-3655

On Oct 27, 2010, at 1:29, Robbie Joosten <> wrote:

> Dear Anthony,
> That is an excellent question! I believe there are quite a lot of 'rules of 
> thumb' going around. Some of them seem to lead to very dogmatic thinking and 
> have caused (refereeing) trouble for good structures and lack of trouble for 
> bad structures. A lot of them were discussed at the CCP4BB so it may be nice 
> to try to list them all.
> Rule 1: If Rwork < 20%, you are done.
> Rule 2: If R-free - Rwork > 5%, your structure is wrong.
> Rule 3: At resolution X, the bond length rmsd should be < than Y (What is the 
> rmsd thing people keep talking about?)
> Rule 4: If your resolution is lower than X, you should not 
> use_anisotropic_Bs/riding_hydrogens
> Rule 5: You should not build waters/alternates at resolutions lower than X
> Rule 6: You should do the final refinement with ALL reflections
> Rule 7: No one cares about getting the carbohydrates right  
> Obviously, this list is not complete. I may also have overstated some of the 
> rules to get the discussion going. Any addidtions are welcome.
> Cheers,
> Robbie Joosten
> Netherlands Cancer Institute
>> Apologies if I have missed a recent relevant thread, but are lists of
>> rules of thumb for model building and refinement?
>> Anthony
>> Anthony Duff Telephone: 02 9717 3493 Mob: 043 189 1076

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