Hello Peter,

I faintly rememeber a similar kind of problem, and think that if you replace
"-1" with "0", the problem should go away. It seemed that "-1" is not an allowed
flag for (some) ccp4 programs.

Please let us know if this resolves the issue.


On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:21:20AM -0400, Peter Chan wrote:
> Dear Crystallographers,
> Thank you all for the emails. Below are some details of the procedures I 
> performed leading up to the problem.
> The reflection file is my own data, processed in XDS and then flagging 
> FreeR's in XPREP in thin resolution shells. I am using CCP4i version 6.1.2. I 
> tried looking for known/resolved issues/updates in version 6.1.3 but could 
> not find any so I assumed it is the same version of f2mtz/ctruncate/uniqueify.
> I used the GUI version of F2MTZ, with the settings below:
> - import file in SHELX format
> - "keep existing FreeR flags"
> - fortran format (3F4.0,2F8.3,F4.0)
> - added data label "I other integer" // FreeRflag
> The hkl file, in SHELX format, output by XPREP look something like this:
>  -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19
>   26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31
>  -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97
>   27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
>  -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1
> Notice the test set is flagged "-1" and the working set is not flagged at 
> all. This actually lead to another error message in f2mtz about missing FreeR 
> flags. From my understanding, the SHELX flagging convention is "1" for 
> working and "-1" for test. So I manually tagged the working set with "1" 
> using vi:
>  -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19   1
>   26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31   1
>  -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97   1
>   27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
>  -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1
> This is the file which gives me the error message: "Problem with FREE column 
> in input file. All flags apparently identical. Check input file.". 
> Apparently, import to mtz works ok when I use old-truncate instead of 
> c-truncate.
> Best,
> Peter
Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen

phone: +49 (0)551 39 22149


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