I'll add it at some stage

On 2 Nov 2010, at 09:38, Ian Tickle wrote:

> I would say that being able to take in phases & H-L coeffs would be a
> useful option, because sometimes (I accept it's not mandatory) phases
> are available in SF files from PDB which allows us to see exactly the
> same map that was interpreted by the depositor.  In some cases there's
> some doubt that the density for an inhibitor or whatever claimed by
> the depositor is actually there (usually of course that's the whole
> point of their paper!!!).  If you recalculate the phases there's
> always a nagging doubt that you've done something to change the
> density (e.g. different solvent model or whatever).  The depositor's
> own density is damning evidence!
> Cheers
> -- Ian
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Phil Evans <p...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> As Ian says, it doesn't modify the reference set.
>> Yes it is a subsidiary function of Pointless, aimed at replacing the program 
>> REINDEX (since much of the functionality was already in there, it seemed 
>> sensible to add this option). It ought to do appropriate phase changes, but 
>> like Reindex, it doesn't at present. My feeling was that you can always 
>> recalculate the phases after a reindexing.
>> Phil
>> On 2 Nov 2010, at 08:28, Ian Tickle wrote:
>>> Re-indexing of an input (either merged or unmerged) dataset to a (also
>>> merged or unmerged) reference dataset is one of the 'subsidiary'
>>> functions of pointless, according to Phil's man page:
>>>   This mode is selected if an HKLREF dataset is specified.
>>>   Given a test dataset, merged or unmerged (file(s) HKLIN), and a merged
>>>   or unmerged reference dataset in a known space group (file HKLREF), the
>>>   program tests all possible alternative indexing schemes of the test
>>>   dataset to find which one best matches the reference set.
>>> Not sure what you mean by "Why would you need to modify the reference
>>> data?" ?  The reference data is not modified, who said it was?
>>> -- Ian
>>> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Eleanor Dodson <c...@ysbl.york.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> CAD and Kevins phasematch correctly change phases etc when you change
>>>> symmetry operator.
>>>>  I cant think that this is the job for pointless.. it is responsible for
>>>> intensities, and surely only needs to use a merged file to decide on the
>>>> appropriate choice of axes  - eg getting your new PG3 data set on the same
>>>> indexing convention? Why would you need to modify the reference data?
>>>> Eleanor
>>>> On 11/01/2010 03:41 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
>>>>> Dealing with the phases (and therefore also the Hendrickson-Lattman
>>>>> coefficients) on re-indexing is trivial: the phases are not changed by
>>>>> re-indexing because the inverse transformation must simultaneously be
>>>>> applied to the co-ordinates.  This is because in general the
>>>>> re-indexing transformation is not necessarily a symmetry operator
>>>>> (think of P1), so you can't rely on being able to compensate for the
>>>>> effect on the co-ordinates by using a symmetry operator.  So the
>>>>> effect on the phases cancels out ...  unless of course your
>>>>> re-indexing operator inverts the hand, in which case you almost
>>>>> certainly don't want also to invert the hand of your co-ordinates, so
>>>>> in that case you must compensate by transforming the structure factors
>>>>> to their complex conjugates (i.e. multiply phases by -1).  I guess
>>>>> you're thinking of the subsequent necessary transformation of the
>>>>> indices to the asymmetric unit, where the phases&  H-L coeffs do in
>>>>> general change (because then you are only changing the indices, not
>>>>> the co-ordinates); however CAD will do that transformation for you.
>>>>> Incidentally this is a neat illustration of the difference between a
>>>>> vector and a complex number.  The re-indexing transformation is a
>>>>> transformation of the reference frame, which as long as it doesn't
>>>>> invert the hand, leaves the complex structure factors invariant, so
>>>>> they must be complex scalars (except in centric zones where they can
>>>>> sometimes be represented by real scalars).  The indices (whether
>>>>> reflection or Miller!) obviously form a 3-D vector with integer
>>>>> elements (unless of course you're interested in diffuse scattering
>>>>> when they have to be reals).  Either way, this is a vector because in
>>>>> the general case (there will be exceptions for reflections on symmetry
>>>>> axes) its elements change on re-indexing (that's what re-indexing
>>>>> means!).  If the structure were in 1-D or 2-D exactly the same would
>>>>> apply: the 1- or 2-D elements would still in general change on
>>>>> transforming the reference frame so would be represented by 1- or 2-D
>>>>> vectors; the structure factors would still be invariant, thus
>>>>> illustrating the important difference between a real scalar and a 1-D
>>>>> vector, and between a complex scalar and a 2-D vector.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> --Ian
>>>>> On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Phil Evans<p...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>  wrote:
>>>>>> I can see we need to make sure that data can come in at any point, as Is
>>>>>> of Fs
>>>>>> Pointless can do automatic reindexing to a reference, and will preserve
>>>>>> all columns from a merged file, but can't cope with phases, as I've not 
>>>>>> got
>>>>>> round to working out appropriate phase shifts on reindexing
>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>> On 1 Nov 2010, at 13:17, Ian Tickle wrote:
>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>> Yes our processing pipeline absolutely has to be able to take in data
>>>>>>> from any internal (in-house X-ray or synchrotron) or external (PDB or
>>>>>>> collaborator's) source, including those where I, sigI and freeR flag
>>>>>>> are present.  One of the first things I did was to modify truncate so
>>>>>>> it would pass through the freeR flag column.  If the I/sigI are
>>>>>>> present I always strip out the F/sigF columns.  So it seemed logical
>>>>>>> to run truncate as the very last step, e.g.:
>>>>>>> 1. sortmtz
>>>>>>> 2. scala       Steps 1&  2 only for internally collected or unmerged
>>>>>>> data.
>>>>>>> 3. refindex    External merged data enters pipeline here:
>>>>>>> auto-re-index to reference.
>>>>>>> 4. cad          Sort; put into standard a.u.; add freeR column from
>>>>>>> reference if not already present.
>>>>>>> 5. rescut      My own prog for auto-determination of resolution cutoff
>>>>>>> based on shell<I/sigI>  &  completeness.
>>>>>>> 6. truncate   Apply resolution cutoff; if Is available convert to Fs.
>>>>>>> I always run steps 3-6 in that order.  I always check that the
>>>>>>> resolution cutoff is sensible&  if Is are available I always run
>>>>>>> truncate to ensure it's done properly (i.e. correct cell contents are
>>>>>>> specified).  I'm still using truncate because AFAICS ctruncate
>>>>>>> couldn't handle freeR flags (maybe that's fixed now, maybe not).  Also
>>>>>>> truncate produces a more informative N(Z) plot which shows the
>>>>>>> expected distribution for a twinned crystal (I believe this feature
>>>>>>> has now been added to ctruncate).
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> -- Ian
>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Phil Evans<p...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>
>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> The normal use of [c]truncate is to take intensities from Scala, so it
>>>>>>>> wouldn't expect FreeR flags in the file.
>>>>>>>> I suppose this should be added for other uses of the program
>>>>>>>> Is this something that is often used? Do people import intensities into
>>>>>>>> CCP4 to convert them to Fs?
>>>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>>>> On 29 Oct 2010, at 13:01, herman.schreu...@sanofi-aventis.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear Peter,
>>>>>>>>> Since I did not hear that your problem is solved here my two cents. I
>>>>>>>>> did some tests using the ccp4i option "Convert Intensities to SFs" and
>>>>>>>>> found that here ctruncate completely ignored the FreeRflags. So my
>>>>>>>>> conclusion is that ctruncate does not need FreeRflags and you can use
>>>>>>>>> the following procedure:
>>>>>>>>> 1) convert your hkl file (including FreeRflags) into an mtz with f2mtz
>>>>>>>>> without any special SHELX options. -->  mtz 1
>>>>>>>>> Careful: a FreeRflag of 1 means an unfree reflection and the free
>>>>>>>>> reflections have a FreeRflag of zero.
>>>>>>>>> 2) run ctruncate with the "Convert Intensities to SFs". You will loose
>>>>>>>>> your FreeRflags in this stage.     -->  mtz 2
>>>>>>>>> 3) add the FreeRflags from mtz 1 to mtz 2 using cad.
>>>>>>>>> If you wish, I can give you a command file which will do this. It is a
>>>>>>>>> somewhat roundabout procedure and I hope that this bug (or feature)
>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> be fixed by the next release of ccp4.
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Herman
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>> George M. Sheldrick
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 12:30 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Bug in c_truncate?
>>>>>>>>> Tim,
>>>>>>>>> Although I always like to advocate XPREP, that would not work because
>>>>>>>>> the .sca format - most unfortunately - does not know about free R
>>>>>>>>> flags.
>>>>>>>>> George
>>>>>>>>> Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
>>>>>>>>> Dept. Structural Chemistry,
>>>>>>>>> University of Goettingen,
>>>>>>>>> Tammannstr. 4,
>>>>>>>>> D37077 Goettingen, Germany
>>>>>>>>> Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
>>>>>>>>> Fax. +49-551-39-22582
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 29 Oct 2010, Tim Gruene wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello Peter,
>>>>>>>>>> the easiest way to overcome the problem might be to use xprep to
>>>>>>>>>> export to sca-format and use scalepack2mtz for the conversion. That
>>>>>>>>>> seems to be the least hasslesome way, although I am not totally sure
>>>>>>>>>> that this procedure preserves the R-free flags set by xprep.
>>>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 12:48:14PM -0400, Peter Chan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Tim,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for the suggestion. I have now tagged the working set as
>>>>>>>>> "1" and test set as "0". Unfortunately, it still gives the same error
>>>>>>>>> about all Rfree being the same, and only in c-truncate but not
>>>>>>>>> old-truncate. Perhaps I should install 6.1.3 and see if the problem
>>>>>>>>> still persist.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 16:29:31 +0200
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: t...@shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Bug in c_truncate?
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Peter,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I faintly rememeber a similar kind of problem, and think that if
>>>>>>>>>>>> you replace "-1" with "0", the problem should go away. It seemed
>>>>>>>>>>>> that "-1" is not an allowed flag for (some) ccp4 programs.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please let us know if this resolves the issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:21:20AM -0400, Peter Chan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Crystallographers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you all for the emails. Below are some details of the
>>>>>>>>> procedures I performed leading up to the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The reflection file is my own data, processed in XDS and then
>>>>>>>>> flagging FreeR's in XPREP in thin resolution shells. I am using CCP4i
>>>>>>>>> version 6.1.2. I tried looking for known/resolved issues/updates in
>>>>>>>>> version 6.1.3 but could not find any so I assumed it is the same
>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>> of f2mtz/ctruncate/uniqueify.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I used the GUI version of F2MTZ, with the settings below:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - import file in SHELX format
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - "keep existing FreeR flags"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - fortran format (3F4.0,2F8.3,F4.0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - added data label "I other integer" // FreeRflag
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The hkl file, in SHELX format, output by XPREP look something
>>>>>>>>> like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notice the test set is flagged "-1" and the working set is not
>>>>>>>>> flagged at all. This actually lead to another error message in f2mtz
>>>>>>>>> about missing FreeR flags. From my understanding, the SHELX flagging
>>>>>>>>> convention is "1" for working and "-1" for test. So I manually tagged
>>>>>>>>> the working set with "1" using vi:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19   1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31   1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97   1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is the file which gives me the error message: "Problem with
>>>>>>>>> FREE column in input file. All flags apparently identical. Check input
>>>>>>>>> file.". Apparently, import to mtz works ok when I use old-truncate
>>>>>>>>> instead of c-truncate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tim Gruene
>>>>>>>>>>>> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tammannstr. 4
>>>>>>>>>>>> D-37077 Goettingen
>>>>>>>>>>>> phone: +49 (0)551 39 22149
>>>>>>>>>>>> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Tim Gruene
>>>>>>>>>> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
>>>>>>>>>> Tammannstr. 4
>>>>>>>>>> D-37077 Goettingen
>>>>>>>>>> phone: +49 (0)551 39 22149
>>>>>>>>>> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A

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