Resolution is 1.5A, Wilson B is 11.8.

Does that mean that might values are more than within expected ranges? I
knew at this resolution B factors are considerably lower, but I was
suspicious that some seemed, so low, specially after recent problems of over
refinement of B factors with another protein at 1.7A...

Must admit I never had such nice structures before, so I was being extra


On 23 November 2010 19:27, Ethan Merritt <> wrote:

> On Tuesday, November 23, 2010, Paula Salgado wrote:
> > Dear all
> >
> > I'm refining a 33kDa protein model and I have noticed that although all
> > other statistics seem fine, B factor values are quite low,
> What is the resolution?
> What is the Wilson B?
> > with many around
> > 7-10A2 and average overall values as follows.
> >
> >           Total number of atoms in chain  A     2378
> >           Average B value for main chain  A   10.684
> >           Average B value for side chain  A   12.755
> >           Average B value for whole chain A   11.665
> >
> >           Average rms B for   312 main chain residues    0.748
> >           Average rms B for   273 side chain residues    1.777
> >
> > These are values after anisotropic B refinement, with 1 TLS group in
> > refmac5. I get similar results if refinement is done without TLS (using
> > model + mtz before doing TLS refinement) and with
> > isotropic/overall/anisotropic B refinement and. Resetting B values to an
> > arbitrary high value (50 or 70) and rerunning refinement with all
> possible
> > options on/off also gives the same results.
> >
> > Using Phenix,  after resetting B values before refinement to arbitrary
> > values and with anisotropic or isotropic refinement, with or without
> > occupancy refinement also gives similar results.
> >
> > As refinement of related molecules (but in different ligand bound states)
> > from similar quality crystals results in models with more realistic B
> > factors (as shown bellow), I strongly suspect that the B factors for this
> > protein have been over refined. However, I'm not sure what other
> refinement
> > settings to use to avoid this problem.
> >
> >           Total number of atoms in chain  A     2352
> >           Average B value for main chain  A   20.651
> >           Average B value for side chain  A   21.815
> >           Average B value for whole chain A   21.199
> >
> > Any help and advice is most appreciated.
> >
> > Best regards
> > Paula
> >
> >
> > ========================================================
> >
> >  Dr Paula Salgado
> >
> >  Division of Molecular Biosciences
> >  Department of Life Sciences
> >  Faculty of Natural Sciences
> >  Biochemistry Building, 5th Floor
> >  Imperial College London
> >  South Kensington Campus
> >  SW7 2AZ
> >  London
> >
> > Tel:  +44 (0)2075945464
> > Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 3057
> >

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