On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 02:44:01PM +0000, Frederic VELLIEUX wrote:
> I can't see any problem switching from Refmac to Phenix refinement. You just 
> provide Phenix with the current model (if you have refined using TLS there is 
> an "additional" 
> step, using I believe tlsanl to generate the "proper" PDB file as you would 
> for data deposition with the pdb), the initial mtz file containing F SIGF 
> FreeRFlag. That's basically 
> it.
But you have to make sure that refmac5 uses the same integer for flagged
reflections as refmac does. If I remember correctly, the default in the ccp4i
gui for refmac is 0 or 1 (out of usually 0-19 for 5% of flagged relfections),
but I guess, phenix uses the same in order not to make the transition too


> Fred.
> > Message du 29/11/10 15:31
> > De : "Jyotica Batra" 
> > Copie à : 
> > Objet : [ccp4bb] Rfrees
> > 
> > Dear All
> > 
> > Currently I'm refining my model in refmac5, so is there a way I can switch 
> > to phenix.refine by retaining the same R-frees, I have from refmac? Any 
> > suggestions at this 
> time would be helpful!
> > 
> > Thanks in advance!
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > Jyotica
> > 

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen

phone: +49 (0)551 39 22149


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