Summary attachment: BSG Details.doc

The preliminary programme for the BCA Spring Meeting 2011 at Keele is now 
at and registration is now 
The Programme Chair for BCA 2011 Keele is Arwen Pearson.

The main meeting takes place April 12-14, preceded by the YC satellite meeting 
11-12. Between the YC satellite and the main meeting is the Lonsdale Lecture and
Teaching Plenary, this year to be delivered by John Helliwell "The evolution of
synchrotron radiation and the growth of its importance in crystallography"

In addition to the general Poster call (currently advertised deadline February 
2011), the Biological Structures Group has two sessions in the main meeting 
abstracts for Oral presentation will be accepted up to January 14th 2011.

The first of these is "Hot Structures" and the second is a session entitled 
Showcase" dedicated to showcasing the research of Young Crystallographers in the
Biological Structures area. All talks in both sessions will be selected from
submitted abstracts, which are to be submitted through the meeting website.

Young crystallographers should also note the opportunity to submit poster and 
presentation abstracts for the YC satellite. Deadlines are again January 14th 
oral, February 4th for posters. All abstracts should be submitted through the
meeting website.

Annette Shrive
Trevor Greenhough
BSG Programme, BCA 2011 Keele

ISTM and School of Life Sciences
Huxley Building
Keele University
Keele ST5 5BG

Tel 01782 733419 / 733405 / 734331 (Lisa)
email /

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