Dear colleagues,

Since January 2010, the BM14 MAD MX beamline at the ESRF (Grenoble, France)

is providing beamtime for both European and Indian MX communities after a

smooth transition from the UK MRC-EMBL tandem to the actual

EMBL-ESRF-India consortium.

The beamline is fully opened now for EU-member state and EU-associated state

Scientists are encouraged to submit proposals via the web-based eProposal
interface [2]

on (“Apply for Beamtime”).

A European reviewer panel, chaired by Dr. Pedro Matias (ITQB, Lisbon,

will process the proposals and beamtime will be provided for the

February – March 2011 period.

*Deadline for proposal submissions*: *31st of December 2010.*

Limited travel and accommodation support from the ELISA EU grant will be

provided to selected users.

*Beamline major features:*

-          7 to 18 keV energy range with a brand new ESRF monochromator

-          Rayonix 225 CCD detector

-          MD2 Microdiffractometer with mini-Kappa goniometer head

-          Robotic Sample changer (SPINE sample holders)

-          Ultra-low resolution beamstop (down to 300 Å data recordable)

-          Very high resolution data collection conditions (~ 0.6 Å data

-          Crystal Humidity Control Device (HC1) for improving sample


            -          Remote data collection

-           Substantial user support during data collections

Best regards,

Hassan Belrhali (**).

*PS: this call is independent from Indian and ESRF calls.*

[1]* EU-associated state*: Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Iceland and

Turkey, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia,

Albania and Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina (source EC: FP7 Third Country

[2] *eProposal platform:* kindly donated by UK MRC

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