On 08:02 Tue 14 Dec     , Charles W. Carter, Jr wrote:
> I've run aground trying to find a program to write out individual pdb 
> files from a long file with multiple (>100) models. My file does not 
> contain separate chain IDs, so I cannot use moleman2 or splitpdb.p. I 
> want to retain information about ligands, and so do not want to use 
> drussel's program. CCP4 appears not to offer such capability. Anyone 
> know how to do this?

Yet another solution, this time in bash (again assuming ENDMDL exists):

while read -a line; do
    echo "${li...@]}" >> model_${i}.pdb
    [[ ${line[0]} == ENDMDL ]] && ((i++))
done < /path/to/file.pdb


Donald S. Berkholz, Ph.D.
Research Fellow
James R. Thompson lab, Physiology & Biomedical Engineering
Grazia Isaya lab, Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine
Medical Sciences 2-66
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905
office: 507-538-6924
cell: 612-991-1321

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