Hi Jacob

Why not try with urea  and
for this type of studies I would probably use batch with the IMAC resin and not 
run the samples over a column.

On 23/12/2010, at 16.11, Jacob Keller wrote:

> Dear Crystallographers,
> I am interested in doing a type of pull-down experiment by
> immobilizing protein X on IMAC resin, flowing a large volume of dilute
> lysate containing protein Y over it, then adding some concentrated
> agent (solid SDS perhaps) to some more of the same lysate, and running
> that over the column to elute protein Y off protein X, without eluting
> X off the column. I am afraid from past experience that SDS might
> knock X off the column, presumably depending on the concentration. I
> do not care about the folding state of Y--I will just be running a
> PAGE gel anyway. Does anyone know either what is the minimal
> concentration of SDS for robustly unfolding proteins/breaking up
> interactions (and whether that concentration is safe for IMAC), or
> what would be a good alternative agent to do the same?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Jacob Keller
> *******************************************
> Jacob Pearson Keller
> Northwestern University
> Medical Scientist Training Program
> cel: 773.608.9185
> email: j-kell...@northwestern.edu
> *******************************************

J. Preben Morth, Ph.D
Group Leader
Membrane Transport Group
Nordic EMBL Partnership
Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM)
University of Oslo
P.O.Box 1137 Blindern
0318 Oslo, Norway

Email: j.p.mo...@ncmm.uio.no
Tel: +47 2284 0794


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