A POSTDOCTORAL POSITION to study naturally occurring and rationally designed PHOTORECEPTORS is available at the Department of Biomolecular Mechanisms at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg. The highly interdisciplinary group focuses on understanding reaction mechanisms using crystallographic analysis of reaction intermediates with a strong emphasis in physical biochemistry. Detailed information can be found at: http://wbmm.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de

Photoreceptors are light sensitive switches that exist in ON and OFF states that (in)activate associated effectors via a structural change. Like for every mechanical device, knowledge of its architecture and the changes occurring during function helps to understand and to rationally modify the switch. We are studying blue light-regulated phosphodiesterases, cyclases and transcription factors biochemically and structurally by X-ray crystallography and time-resolved SAXS/WAXS. For future applications of these systems in cellular or neurobiological applications (optogenetics) we are also rationally designing switches. (See for example Barends et al., Nature, 459: 1015-1018 , Wu et al., Nature 461:104-108). The projects are at various experimental stages, so that the successful candidate can start productive work immediately.

We are looking for highly motivated candidate with a strong background in X-ray crystallography and/or SAXS/WAXS who can interact collaboratively among a variety of disciplines. The successful candidate should have at least one first-author publication describing a de-novo structure determination. We offer a highly stimulating interdisciplinary and international research environment, excellent working conditions and facilities, including regular access to the Swiss Light Source. The position is initially for two years, but has longer term perspective, given excellent performance. There are possibilities to join other ongoing exciting structural projects of high scientific impact.

To apply, please send a CV including a brief description of your research/scientific interests, a list of publications, a copy of the most relevant publication, and names and email addresses of two referees either as email attachments to bmm.recruitm...@mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de, indicating the keyword photoreceptor.

Informal enquiries may be sent to
 Ilme Schlichting (ilme.schlicht...@mpimf-heidelberg.mgp.de)

Deadline for applications is February 15th, 2011, desired starting date is as soon as possible.

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