Dear Colleagues, 
We are seeking a motivated young scientist or engineer with excellent skills in 
programming and computing to join the PROXIMA 2 team at Synchrotron SOLEIL. 
Please forward the announcement below to any interested parties.
Kind regards, 
Post-doctoral Position - Scientific Programmer -  PROXIMA 2
The position is available immediately. Deadline for submission of applications 
is the 15th March 2011 

SOLEIL is an optimized, 3rd generation, 2.75 GeV synchrotron light source 
located 25 km south of Paris, France. A  total of 26 beamlines, covering  the 
whole energy range  from IR to hard X-rays, provides an outstanding panel of 
experimental tools based on synchrotron radiation for physics, chemistry, 
biology and environmental sciences. The  first 20 beamlines, several of which 
are using new concepts of undulator sources, are open to users. A permanent  
staff of 358 people operates the installation.  

The PROXIMA 2A beamline  is dedicated  to micro-crystallography  and  
specifically designed  to handle  the  fragile micro-crystals  of  biological  
macromolecules.  The  source  is  an  in-vacuum  U24  undulator  installed  on  
a  canted section, and the X-rays will focus down to 5 µm × 5 µm over an energy 
range of 5 - 15 keV. The beamline will be equipped with  a 
micro-diffractometer,  focusing X-ray mirrors,  an  area  detector  and  
robotic  sample  changer. The experimental station will also be capable of 
measuring anomalous differences for MAD or SAD phasing experiments  in  the 
above energy  range. The beamline  is currently  in  the construction phase, 
and  it will be opened  to users  in  2012.
1. Mission 
We  are  seeking  a motivated  young  scientist  or  engineer  with  excellent  
skills  in  programming  and  computing,  a strong  interest  in macromolecular 
crystallography and a background  in  its methodological basis. As a member of 
the PROXIMA  2A  beamline  team,  your  principle mission will  be  to  develop 
 and  integrate  software  at  the  "client-level" to communicate with the 
device servers of the hardware level (TANGO). The software will include 
routines for commissioning,  maintaining  and  operating  the  beamline  (such  
as  alignment  procedures,  data  collections,  and beamline  calibrations).  
These  software  routines  will  be  linked  to  graphical  user  interfaces  
(e.g.  MXCuBE  & GlobalScreen). You will also be involved in research projects 
developing new functionalities for the instrumentation on the beamline, as well 
as novel analytical and computational techniques in micro-crystallography. 

For further information, contact 
<> . 

2. Qualifications & Experience 
Candidates should preferably hold a Ph.D. in macromolecular crystallography or 
the equivalent of a Masters degree in computing with at  least 3 years of 
experience  in a  relevant science or engineering  field. Plenty of experience 
in computing and excellent skills in programming is a pre-requisite. Candidates 
should have expertise  in  the programming of scripting  languages, preferably  
in Python and Unix/Linux shells (e.g. bash), as well as other languages such as 
C++, Qt or Visual Basic. Experience in macromolecular X-ray crystallography 
methodology or synchrotron beamline instrumentation will be much appreciated. 

3. General conditions 
The offer concerns a Post-doctoral contract for a one year-period renewable or 
a fixed term contract contract (CDD, Contrat de Durée Détérminé). The place of 
work will be at Synchrotron SOLEIL, which is located in the Paris suburbs 
(Saint-Aubin).  Applications  should  include  a  motivation  letter  and  
Curriculum  Vitae  with  the  addresses  of  two  referees.  Please submit 
applications online at 
<>  mentioning the 
reference "Post-Doc-PROXIMA2".

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