Hello all,
I have been trying to squeeze the most out of a bad data set (P1, anisotropic, 
crystals not reproducible). I had very incomplete data due to high mosaicity 
and lots of overlaps. The completeness was about 80% overall to ~3A. Yesterday 
I noticed that I could process the data much better fixing the mosaicity to 0.5 
in imosflm. I got about 95% complete up to 2.5A but with a multiplicity of 1.7. 
I tried to integrate the same data fixing the mosaicity at different values 
ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 and saw the trend in completeness, Rmerge and 
Now, is there any reason why I should not just merge all these together and 
feed them to scala in order to increase multiplicity?
Am I missing something?

Thanks for any comments!


José Trincão, PhD       CQFB@FCT-UNL
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

"It's very hard to make predictions... especially about the future" - Niels Bohr

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