Pseudo translation doesnt seem too much of a problem if the model is OK.
MOLREP uses it within the search, phaser seems not to mind too much for a general translation..

I dont know about pathological cases where the crystal is very near but not quite C centred, ie the translation is quite special like in this case with t = (1/2,0.~1/4)

On 02/09/2011 11:03 PM, Roberts, Sue A - (suer) wrote:
I have used phaser to successfully solve a structure in P2x2x2x that had 
pseudo-translational symmetry.  It was unable to correctly choose the space 
group, but after running phaser in all 8 possible space groups and inspecting 
the best solutions in each the correct solution was clear.  Furthermore, it was 
the only MR program that worked. Was I just lucky?


On 9 Feb 2011, at 22:27, Phil Jeffrey wrote:

Is there a program that does ?  I was under the impression that they were all 
equally good/bad at this, because any solution that agrees with the PTS has 
quite a high score and any solution that doesn't has a low score, irrespective 
of the correctness of the placement of the molecules.

In one case that ritually defeats me with quite strong pseudo-centering, this 
seems to be true for heavy atom searches also.

Phil Jeffrey

On 2/9/11 5:08 PM, Jon Schuermann wrote:
I would NOT use Phaser for MR with PTS present. It doesn't handle it
correctly yet, since the likelihood targets don't account for PTS.
Others may be able to explain it better.

Dr. Sue A. Roberts
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Arizona
1041 E. Lowell St.,  Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone: 520 621 8171

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