Dear CCP4ers,

I really would sharpen the structure factors, not only the electron density maps. The simple reason is: if sharpening emphasizes enough information at higher resolution to help interpreting the electron density maps, refinement will also benefit from this information. Of course, the mean B-factor of the refined structure will be lower by the sharpening B-factor, but since B-factor sharpening is usually done with lower resolution data, the Wilson B-factor is usually very high, and thus far, I didn't run into problems with B-factors crashing at the lower limit. The sharpening B-factor can easily reach values in the -100s A**2, not only -10 to -50 A**2. Axel Brunger has published several papers about how to estimate a good sharpening B-factor (a recent one with references is Brunger et al. Acta Cryst D65, 128-133). He usually describes map sharpening, but B-factor sharpening of structure factors seems to be done routinely for virus structures in Steve Harrisons lab.

One word of caution: the B-factor sharpening should be correctly described not only in the publication but also in the PDB deposition (if refinement was done against sharpened structure factors, the refinement statistics can only be reproduced using these structure factors). The original structure factors can be easily reproduced by applying back the negative sharpening B-factor.

Best regards,


Am 26.02.11 01:09, schrieb Garib N Murshudov:
I would not sharpen structure factors before refinement. It may cause problems 
with B value refinement (a lot of B values may stuck around 2 or minimum B). 
One must remember that not all atoms in crystal have same Bvalue. There is a 
distribution of Bvalues.

However maps can be sharpened after refinement. It can be done directly in coot 
(I hope this version of coot is now widely available). Or if you are using 
refmac for refinement you can use:

mapc sharpen   #  regularised map sharpening. Bvalues and regularisation 
parameters are calculated automatically


mapc sharpen<Bvalue>  # regularised map sharpening with specified Bvalue


mapc sharpen<Bvalue>
mapc sharpen alpha<value=0.1>   #  regularisation paramater. alpha=0 is simple 

I am sure other programs have similar options. (I know CNS has and it has been 
used successfully by many people)


P.S. These options available from refmac v5.6 available from;

On 25 Feb 2011, at 23:57, Dima Klenchin wrote:

At 05:39 PM 2/25/2011, Pete Meyer wrote:
Or could anyone suggest a program that would be of help?
CAD scaling with a scale factor of 1.0 and negative B-factor (isotropic or 
anisotropic) should do the trick.  I haven't had much luck with density 
sharpening (at least at ~4-5 Angstroms), but others have apparently had some 
success with it.
Alternatively, CCP4i task Run FFT does the job:

1. Take MTZ from Refmac output
2. Run FFT to create simple map with SigmaA-weighted phases (i.e., PHWT label).
3. In Infrequently used options, "Apply B-factor scaling to F1", specify 
negative B-factor scaling value, usually within -10 to -50.

- Dima


Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich, A5.07
Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
Fax:    +49-89-2180-76999

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