Dear All

I am looking for example files of most common detector formats eg from the 
mosflm doc (below).  I have some of the most common ones we use routinely eg 
Mar, ADSC and R-Axis but if anyone has by chance compiled an archive of example 
files, or can point me in the right direction that would be great!


        • Mar Research (18cm (SMALLMAR), 30cm or 34.5 cm plate (MAR));
        • Mar Research CCD detectors (both 135 and 165 mm) as well as the Mar 
Mosaic detector (MARCCD);
        • ADSC Quantum 4, Q210 and Q315 CCD detectors (ADSC);
        • Mac Science Dip2000 (DIP2000), 2020 (DIP2020), 2030 (DIP2030) or 2040 
(DIP2040) (horizontal or vertical rotation axis);
        • R-Axis II (RAXIS) (horizontal or vertical rotation axis),
        • R-Axis IV (RAXIS4 or RAXISIV) (Horizontal or vertical rotation axis),
        • R-Axis V (RAXIS5 or RAXISV),
        • Rigaku Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury CCD detectors,
        • ESRF Image intensifier CCD (ESRF CCD),
        • Molecular dynamics (offline) (MD),
        • FUJI scanners (offline) (FUJI BAS2000 or FUJI BA100),
        • Ed Westbrook or Oxford Instruments 3x3 CCD detector (SBC1),
        • Brandeis 2x2 CCD detector (B4) (ADSC),
        • ESRF Large Image Plate Scanner (LIPS),
        • There is limited support for the Oxford Sapphire CCD and Bruker SMART 
and Proteum detectors.

Associate Professor Ashley M Buckle
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Faculty of Medicine
Building 77
Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3800
skype: ashley.buckle
Tel: (613) 9902 9313 (office)
Fax : (613) 9902 9500
mobile: 0430 913031

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