Dear TingWei,

Can you provide more details of what you are trying to do and why, and how you 
manipulated the model for which you want to determine the R-values?  Is it data you 
collected and a model that you have been working on or is it a structure and its data 
from the PDB that you are working with or perhaps something else?  What do you mean by 
refined yourself without help from any program?  What did you do?  Manually move some 
atoms by changing the coordinates in the PDB file without even the aid of a graphics 
program such as Coot or O or Xtalview?  Did you use the data (an electron density map) to 
aid with your manipulation/"refinement"?  How?

If you just want R-values without doing any refinement, you can plug your 
manipulated model and dataset into Refmac and do zero refinement cycles, which 
will give you some relavant statistics.

A non-ccp4 option to get statistics for particular models and datasets is 
phenix.model_vs_data in the Phenix package 

hope that helps,


Eric T. Larson, PhD
Biomolecular Structure Center
Department of Biochemistry
Box 357742
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195


On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, Ting-Wei Jiang wrote:

Dear all experts,

I'm trying to calculate R-value (and free R) specifically  which is between 
data and the modified structure(refined by myself without help from any
program).I've looked the program for calculating a long while.Actually,I found 
one named Rsearch (CCP4 supported).Nevertheless,I cant find Rsearch in
CCP4 package.
Could anyone direct me on how to get this value? thanks in advance.


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