Hi there,

I am currently attempting to validate SAXS rigid body models by generating 
theoretical AUC parameters for them and comparing this to experimental AUC 
values.  Although not a crystallographic problem I know some of you will have a 
solution to this one.  Some of the residues in my rigid body SAXS models, which 
are present in the sequence but not in the rigid bodies I modelled with, are 
represented as alpha carbons only.  To generate theoretical AUC parameters I 
must convert my SAXS output pdb file into a bead solution model from which the 
theoretical parameters are derived.  The bead models are not simply space fills 
but take into account surface charge, hydrophobicity etc. which all affect the 
solvation shell and therefore its AUC characteristics.  Therefore to generate 
the bead models I must first build in the missing residues as alpha carbons are 
not accepted.

Therefore does anybody know of a quick way to build the remainder of a residue 
around its alpha carbon, short of manually building in COOT etc.  I need to 
carry out this task on many pdb files so Im looking for as automated a method 
as possible.  I am not concerned about rigorous energy minimisation as the 
conformation of a couple of localised bond angles will not impact too much on 
its theoretical AUC.



John Chipperfield
Steve Prince Group
Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocenter,
131, Princess Street,
M1 7DN

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