Dear Zbyszek:

Thanks a lot for your good summary. It is very interesting but, do you
think there are some references for more detailed description, especially
from mathematics point of view about correlating B-factor to the Gaussian
probability distribution (the B-factor unit of A^2 is my first doubt as
for the probability distribution description)? Thanks again for your

Best Regards, Hailiang

> The B-factor in crystallography represents the convolution (sum) of two
> types of uncertainties about the atom (electron cloud) position:
> 1) dispersion of atom positions in crystal lattice
> 2) uncertainty of the experimenter's knowledge  about the atom position.
> In general, uncertainty needs not to be described by Gaussian function.
> However, communicating uncertainty using the second moment of its
> distribution is a widely accepted practice, with frequently implied
> meaning that it corresponds to a Gaussian probability function. B-factor
> is simply a scaled (by 8 times pi squared) second moment of uncertainty
> distribution.
> In the previous, long thread, confusion was generated by the additional
> assumption that B-factor also corresponds to a Gaussian probability
> distribution and not just to a second moment of any probability
> distribution. Crystallographic literature often implies the Gaussian
> shape, so there is some justification for such an interpretation, where
> the more complex probability distribution is represented by the sum of
> displaced Gaussians, where the area under each Gaussian component
> corresponds to the occupancy of an alternative conformation.
> For data with a typical resolution for macromolecular crystallography,
> such multi-Gaussian description of the atom position's uncertainty is not
> practical, as it would lead to instability in the refinement and/or
> overfitting. Due to this, a simplified description of the atom's position
> uncertainty by just the second moment of probability distribution is the
> right approach. For this reason, the PDB format is highly suitable for the
> description of positional uncertainties,  the only difference with other
> fields being the unusual form of squaring and then scaling up the standard
> uncertainty. As this calculation can be easily inverted, there is no loss
> of information. However, in teaching one should probably stress more this
> unusual form of presenting the standard deviation.
> A separate issue is the use of restraints on B-factor values, a subject
> that probably needs a longer discussion.
> With respect to the previous thread, representing poorly-ordered (so
> called 'disordered') side chains by the most likely conformer with
> appropriately high B-factors is fully justifiable, and currently is
> probably the best solution to a difficult problem.
> Zbyszek Otwinowski
>>>> - they all know what B is and how to look for regions of high B
>>>> (with, say, pymol) and they know not to make firm conclusions about
>>>> H-bonds
>>>> to flaming red side chains.
>>>But this "knowledge" may be quite wrong.  If the flaming red really
>>> indicates
>>>large vibrational motion then yes, one whould not bet on stable H-bonds.
>>>But if the flaming red indicates that a well-ordered sidechain was
>>> incorrectly
>>>modeled at full occupancy when in fact it is only present at
>>> half-occupancy
>>>then no, the H-bond could be strong but only present in that
>>> half-occupancy
>>>conformation.  One presumes that the other half-occupancy location
>>> (perhaps
>>>missing from the model) would have its own H-bonding network.
>> I beg to differ.  If a side chain has 2 or more positions, one should be
>> a
>> bit careful about making firm conclusions based on only one of those,
>> even
>> if it isn't clear exactly why one should use caution.  Also, isn't the
>> isotropic B we fit at "medium" resolution more of a "spherical cow"
>> approximation to physical reality anyway?
>>   Phoebe
> Zbyszek Otwinowski
> UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
> 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
> Dallas, TX 75390-8816
> Tel. 214-645-6385
> Fax. 214-645-6353

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