Dear All,

  Version 2.5.0 of the CCP4 Molecular Graphics Program
(CCP4MG) has just been placed on the downloads page:

This version includes many bug fixes and improvements over 2.4.3, including:

### General bug fixes
  * Fix very serious Vista/Windows 7 crash upon loading most pdb files.
  * Fix some crashes in Movie Editor.
* Fix some crashes when closing windows or data files, or deleting atom selections.
  * Workaround lighting initialization crash with some onboard chipsets.

### Render Module
  * Fix glitches when there is a transparent background in rendered files.
  * Fix clipping of text labels in rendered files.
  * Fix position of text labels when rendering.
  * Fix a problem with batch rendering and -norestore flag.
  * Compress tiff output from render.

### Sequence Viewer
  * Only populate/update sequence viewer when it is shown.
* Residues selected in sequence viewer appear in Display Table so that style/colouring/selection can be user edited.
  * Do not show waters in sequence view or sequences without AA/NA.
* Residues are correctly highlighted in sequence viewer at restart and after alignment.
  * Colour models by sequence conservation from an alignment.
  * Sequence alignment is restored at program restart.
  * Undo a sequence alignment.
  * Font size in Sequence Viewer can be changed.

### General Enhancements
  * Ask user if he/she wishes to restore status at restart.
  * Escape exits full-screen mode.
  * Show edit zoom factor in status bar.
  * Make some large widgets (e.g. residue type colours) scrollable.
* The compact docked display table now has a usable slider for electron density contour level, etc.

The full list of changes can be found at:

Please report problems to

Best Wishes,

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