Dear colleagues,


This is just to remind you that the “XXII Congress and General Assembly” of
the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography) will be held in Madrid
(Spain) from 22-30 August 2011 and that your Spanish colleagues kindly
invite you to participate not only in the most important crystallographic
event until 2014, but also to enjoy a fruitful meeting in a sunny and full
of life city!


All information is to be found in: 

although two important dates to remember are:

April 15, 2011: Deadline for abstracts submission

May 15,  2011: Deadline for "Early bird" registration


All the best and see you in Madrid!


On behalf of the Organizing Committee,


Martin (Vice-Chairman)


Dr. Martin Martinez-Ripoll

Research Professor


Department of Crystallography & Structural Biology


Telf.: +34 917459550

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Spanish National Research Council

 <> Sin título-1



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