Hi Nisha,
Are your B-values residuals after TLS refinement or do they include TLS 
contribution? Residuals are typically low.

Your mainchain/sidechain B value problem: did you try resetting B to a fixed 
value for all atoms and refining?

Another point: if your I/sigI (outer shell) is 4.2, then why didn't you process 
your data to a bit higher resolution, till at least I/sigI ~ 2 or so.


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On Apr 22, 2011, at 11:41 PM, nisha pandey wrote:

Dear ccp4bb,
I want to know regarding Wilson B value and mean B-value of protein after 
refinement, In my case there is large difference in Wilson plot and 
overall.Is<http://overall.Is> it OK to have such value ie Wilson B-value 42 and 
mean B value is 23.3 ?
Also in the same structure I have observed that in a few residues B-value of 
main chain are higher than that of side chain.It<http://chain.It> seems quit 
unusual .Kindly help me sort out this problem.
Some basic information regarding the data  are given below.

Resolution range 41.24-2.7
Rsym  -15
I/Sigma  -4.2
(In highest resolution shell)
Rfactor -21.4
R free  -24.2

Thanks in advance

With regards

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