'The NIH funded network TEMIMPS will organize a Workshop for 2D crystallization 
of membrane proteins, electron crystallography, and all related data processing 
(see attached tentative schedule). The Workshop will take place from August 
15-19 in Seattle at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Teachers 
who have confirmed their participation are:
Anchi Cheng, David Stokes, Henning Stahlberg, Iban Ubarretxena, Pawel Penczek, 
Tamir Gonen, Vinzenz Unger, Yifan Cheng and Andreas Engel. 
The program can be downloaded from http://temimps.nysbc.org/TemimpsWorkshop.html
Participants need to submit their application to temi...@nysbc.org by June 30, 
2011. Space is limited and selection is strictly on a first come first serve 

Attachment: workshop-schedule.pdf
Description: application/binary

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