On Monday, May 09, 2011 12:50:48 pm Kenneth A. Satyshur wrote:
> YO!
> I am making thermal ellipsoid plots of a highly flexibile region of a
> chromophore using rastep and render from the raster3D package of Merritt el 
> al.
> But I cannot control the orientation. It obscures the rest of the atoms in 
> the 
> plane of the molecule. Does anyone know a way to orientate molecules AND
> get a publication quality png file? ccp4mg only produces vague traces.

Simple thing to try first:

  cat myatons.pdb | rastep -auto | render -size 900x900 > picture.png

The "-auto" option to rastep will orient the atoms so that they
are maximally spread out in the plane of the picture.

More general answer:

- Open the pdb file in a viewer of your choice
- Orient as you please
- Dump orientation matrix (exact button or command depends on the program)
- Copy the matrix into the header of the raster3d file fed to render



Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center,  K-428 Health Sciences Bldg
University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

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