If anyone has picked up a very recent version of Pointless from our web site 
here, they should note that version 1.5.19 was seriously broken [1]. Versions 
1.5.17 and earlier are OK, as is the very latest 1.5.21 which I've just put 
there [2]

I don't think the broken versions have got into any widely distributed CCP4 
versions, so with any luck this doesn't affect many people


[1] specifically, files written in a point group of lower symmetry than the 
apparent lattice group were not sorted, but were flagged as sorted in the file. 
This leads to apparent completeness in Scala > 100% and failure to merge 

[2] ftp://ftp.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/pre/pointless-1.5.21.tar.gz, .linux, .osx

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