Hi Andreas
Without the x-ray data, phenix.pdbtools might do this
From the website:
"[phenix.pdbtools can] Perform model geometry regularization. Minimize geometry target to idealize bond lenghths, bond angles, planarities, chiralities, dihedrals, and non-bonded interactions."

Try to specify to only optimize/minimize a selected part of the model (i.e. your point mutation and the residues around it).

An alternative could be to re-refine the point-mutant model using the original x-ray data if you have access to it. Since you are making only a minor change it should work just fine ("quickly and dirtily" as asked for :)).


Bjørn Panyella Pedersen
Macromolecular Structure Group
Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics
University of California, San Francisco

On 2011-05-12 08:35, Andreas Förster wrote:
Hey all,

I would like to introduce point mutations in a structure and quickly
(and dirtily) minimize the new residue. (Best rotamer dependent on local
environment, or the like.) What are simple approaches that don't involve
VMD/NAMD or some such overkill.



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