
I have a problem with the following sentence:
"if I collect all spots I get good map, but it is impossible to solve the structure by molecular replacement" - if you have a good map (I assume electron density map) then the structure is solved... for me a good map is a map I can interpret.

There have been several reports in the literature of structures where you have "layers" of normal intensities interspersed with layers of very weak spots in the diffraction patterns. Sometimes with a change in space group assignment when you go from integrating the strong spots only to integrating the entire pattern including the very weak intensities. I don't have a reference off my head right now, some other people on the bb may have such references available. But differences in spot intensities (including reassignment of the space group) is described in Morales et al. (2000), Acta Cryst D56, 1408-1412.

So the reply I can give is the following:

if the diffraction pattern with these strong diffraction intensities interspersed with weak diffraction intensities only comes from one crystal, then processing the strong spots only does not explain the diffraction pattern and is wrong. Similarly with processing the weak diffraction spots only (which would be difficult to do in practice... see below). The model produced should explain the diffraction pattern seen (in terms of space group, layers of molecules arranged in the crystal...).

If the diffraction pattern originates from 2 crystals (in different orientations, a case I've had with one large crystal plus a satellite crystal attached to it in the same loop), it is in principle possible to integrate only the diffraction spots from only one of the crystals. No problems for the larger crystal that diffracts more strongly (which is what I did with my data set - the second lattice was ignored). To process the diffraction from the smaller crystal would be tricky: you should have some version of the data frame processing software that processes first the spots coming from the large crystal and would produce a copy of the input frames where the optical density corresponding to the processed reflections is set (on the images, on the frames) to say 0, for the entire range of frames processed. Then you would repeat the autoindexing and frame processing (integration) to take care of the diffraction from the satellite crystal. I don't think such a modification of the data processing programs is available.

But could you explain more clearly the problem?


Marco Lolicato wrote:
Dear all,
I have a particular problem...
so, I have a beautiful crystal with nice diffraction pattern at 2.7A. The 
diffraction images are composed by very strong spots and weak spots.
With XDS, if I collect all spots I get good map, but it is impossible to solve 
the structure by molecular replacement. If I collect only the strongest spots 
(STRONG_PIXEL= 99), I'm able to solve a very good structure...
My problem is: I was trying to get the apo-structure of my protein. I obtained nice crystals of the "apo-protein", but using the method above, in the structure I have found also the ligand!! (probably incorporated during the overexpression). My protein is a multimer and, biochemically, I found that the endogenus ligand bond to the protein is in the ratio 1:6. ...and I got a crystal in this way.

So, is there a way to analyze all spots in the diffraction pattern to have a 
structure of the apo-protein?
Is a good idea discard the strongest spots and try to analyze only the weak 
spots? If yes, how I can do it?

All the best,


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