Rex, I think the problem is that the latest version of the dictionary which
contains LBT (and many other new ligands) only works with Refmac 5.6 (but
check with Garib on that!), but that version hasn't yet been compiled for
Windows.  Unfortunately Windows versions tend to lag a bit behind Linux &
Mac/OSX versions for historical reasons.

Have you looked here:

You could download the ideal PDB coords and use Garib's JLIGAND to make the
library entry.


-- Ian

PS Can someone explain to me why alpha-lactose is LBT and beta-lactose is

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:58 PM, REX PALMER <>wrote:

> Dear protein crystallographers
> We tried downloading the latest version of Refmac for Windows, Refmac
> 5.5.0071 from the prerelease page on ccp4. However it does not seem to
> have alpha lactose in the monomer library. Does anyone know if it is
> possible to obtain the latest Refmac version complete with both alpha and
> beta forms of lactose in the dictionary?
> Rex Palmer
> Birkbeck College
> Rex Palmer

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