Its obviously not going to be possible to give a unique
chain letter for every chain in 27 cells, but forget renaminmg
the chains and its very easy to generate the models to look at-
might even do it in a triple-nested foreach loop in csh.
After generating the whole cell as suggested by David or Eleanor,

#untested script!
foreach A (-1 +0 +1)
foreach B (-1 +0 +1)
foreach C (-1 +0 +1)

pdbset xyzin wholecell.pdb xyzout sym$A$B$C.pdb <<eof
symgen X$A,Y$B,Z$C

awk '$1~/CRYST1|SCALE/ wholecell.pdb > new.pdb
foreach sym??????.pdb
awk '$1~/ATOM|HETATM/' $file >> new.pdb
echo END >>new.pdb

and open new.pdb in some viewer that doesn't object to duplicate chain names

Tim Gruene wrote:
Hi Dave,

as first step you apply all symmetry operators of the space group to the
pdb-file in order to fill the unit cell, and store all copies in the same
PDB-file. You can do this with pdbset and the symgen keyword, see
Check with coot that all copies are indeed in the asymmetric unit.

Once you have filled the unit cell, read in the PDB-file with moleman2 and run
xyz frac
write mypdb.frac

in order to get the fractional coordinates.

Now you run a loop over x,y,z to add -1, 0, 1 in order to get the cube of unit
cells and re-convert to orthogonal coordinates with moleman2.

It's actually quicker than it sounds.

Cheers, Tim

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 01:52:17PM +0100, Hargreaves, David wrote:
Does anyone have a rigorous method (or script) for generating an
extended lattice e.g 3x3x3 unit cells from any pdb file?

Any help gratefully received,


David Hargreaves

Associate Principal Scientist




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