This is a reposting of Post-doc ad with the full-consideration application 
deadline next week.  Note that there are multiple independent post-docs with 
projects involving mostly crystallography or mostly biochemistry.

=======  Post-doctoral fellow positions in ubiquitin signaling and RNA virus 
replication  ========

The Peersen and Cohen laboratories at Colorado State University in Fort Collins 
are recruiting up to three post-doc positions for studies of macromolecular 
interactions and structure. The positions require a Ph.D. at time of hire with 
prior experience in protein biochemistry, molecular biology, or biophysical 

The Peersen lab projects are focused on the structures of viral RNA-dependent 
RNA polymerases and the assembly of membrane anchored replication centers 
formed by single stranded RNA viruses.  The projects will build on recent 
studies of viral elongation complexes (Gong & Peersen, PNAS 107:22505, Hobdey 
et al., J. Virology 84:8072) to further our understanding of polymerase 
function, replication fidelity, and higher order assemblies.  Previous 
experience in X-ray crystallography, RNA biochemistry, membrane systems, or 
fluorescence methods would be advantageous.

The Cohen laboratory position is to study mechanisms of signaling by 
polyubiquitin.  Recent work defined the linkage-specific avidity mechanism for 
polyubiquitin binding (Sims & Cohen, Mol Cell 33:775-783; Sims et al., Nat. 
Struct. Mol. Biol. 16:883-889).  Available projects include studies of 
polyubiquitin receptor proteins, development of linkage-specific polyubiquitin 
sensors, and investigation of the role of linkage-specificity in signaling by 
polyubiquitin in vivo. Candidates should have prior experience in protein 
biochemistry and molecular biology; familiarity with biophysical methods or 
mammalian cell culture is desirable.

Applications should be received by August 5, 2011 for full consideration.  
Interested individuals should submit a CV, statement of research and career 
interests, and contact information for three references at

CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer.  CSU conducts background checks on all final 

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