Posted on behalf of PI:

We are looking for post-doctoral scientists with a strong background in
protein biochemistry and a commitment to drug development for neglected
diseases. The parasitology group at the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC)
focuses on structure and function of proteins from apicomplexan and
kinetoplastid parasites, including pathogens responsible for malaria,
African Sleeping Disease and toxoplasmosis. In collaboration with leading
parasitology labs worldwide, we are actively pursuing potential drug leads.
Since 2001, the SGC has leveraged an advanced high throughput protein
expression system and state-of-the-art crystallography equipment to
determine and deposit  the largest number of parasite protein structures in
the Protein Data Bank. With a natural curiosity and love for bench science,
you will work with other SGC scientists to express and characterize
important parasitic proteins, in search of knowledge that will advance the
cause of the millions of patients of neglected diseases around the globe.

 Visit our Facebook page at

 Interested candidates should submit their resume to: <>.

Amy K. Wernimont, PhD

Structural Genomics Consortium
University of Toronto
MaRS South Tower, Suite 705
101 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada  M5G 1L7
Tel: 416.978.1859

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