Proposal Deadline *21st October 2011*

There will be beam time available at the ESRF for MX data collection with a setup that allows online monitoring of UV/VIS absorbance or fluorescence spectral changes of the crystal during the X-ray diffraction experiment. Users who are interested in using this beam time (including those who are members of BAG Groups) should use the following mechanism:

_http://www.esrf.fr/UsersAndScience/UserGuide/Applying/ProposalGuidelines/MXnon-BAGproposal _

and *it must be clearly indicated in the title of the proposal form that the online monitoring of spectral changes is necessary for the project*.

A brief description of the device is given below however users are encouraged to consult the web pages for detailed information:


The device is also described in: McGeehan, J., Ravelli, R.B., Murray, J.W., Owen, R.L., Cipriani, F., McSweeney, S., Weik, M. and Garman, E.F. (2009) Colouring cryo-cooled crystals: online microspectrophotometry. J Synchrotron Radiat., 16, 163-172.

As this is not a standard set-up, it might take a significant amount of time to train users, align the device, and analyze the data in order to derive relevant data collection schemes. *We will therefore schedule 24 hours for each project*. The *deadline *for this specific application is *Friday 21st October 2011*.

It is strongly recommended to, beforehand, record an absorption (fluorescence) spectrum of the crystal on a home microspectrophotometer such as the 4dx one, or at an off-line facility such as the ESRF Cryobench, and to provide it in the application form. Such a spectrum would greatly help to determine the feasibility of the experiment. For optimal experimental conditions, crystals should be frozen in minimal amounts of cryosolution, especially when the crystals are small. Finally, please note that *the ESRF sample changer cannot be operated at the same time as the on-line microspec*. The use of specific LASER is possible if the device is compliant with the beam line safety system (interlock on device power).

Dates of beam-time: *30th November - 4th December 2011*
Storage Ring: 7/8 + 1 (200mA)
Beamline: ID14-1
Energy: 13.27 keV (not tunable)

UV/VIS-range: 250-1100 nm
Light source: Mikropack DH-2000-BAL (Deuterium/Halogen)
Fluorescence/Actinic excitation wavelength: 405, 440, 473, 532, 561, 671 nm
ODmax for UV-vis absorbance spectra: 2-2.5
Monitoring light size: 0.03 (min) - 0.15mm(max)
Sampling freq (to disk): 10Hz or lower


Dr David FLOT
Beam-Line Operation Manager             Tel : (+33) 4 76 88 17 63
Structural Biology Group                Fax : (+33) 4 76 88 26 24
B.P. 220, 6 rue Jules Horowitz          e-mail : david.f...@esrf.fr
F-38043 GRENOBLE CEDEX                  http://www.esrf.eu

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