I wouldn't call these micro crystals anymore, I mount those things and get 
datasets from them (sometimes). In my world 50 µm is defined as big.


On Oct 29, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Pius Padayatti wrote:

In short if you found microcrystals (15 to 20 um)
harvesting them is what i found is more useful and better success than
harvesting the whole drops.

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Office: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894
Fax:      +1-410-955-2926

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