Thanks for the help.
I believe option 3 describes my situation the best.
I am looking into it now...

On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 16:38:11 -0400, Ed Pozharski wrote:
If you post the cad input file, it should be easy to pinpoint the
problem.  As  it stands, you are either:

1) Including Miller indices as merged columns - they get done
automatically, so if you specify them, you get the duplicate labels
2) You actually do have the same name for the two columns in the output
- thus duplicate labels
3) You may be thinking that cad can merge two datasets into one - it
can't. CAD just takes columns from two or more files and puts them into one. What you are trying to do requires scaling/merging of two datasets
- you should look at scala for that.



Yuri Pompeu

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