On Thu, 2011-11-17 at 14:03 -0600, Yi-Liang Liu wrote:
> Hi CCP4ers,
> I know it is not quiet related to CCP4. I am now working on a protein-protein 
> complex system. I am wondering which kits I should try in a higher priority? 
> I appreciate everyone's suggestions, and maybe there are some papers I can 
> read first.
> Lucas
1. Radaev S, Li S, Sun PD. A survey of protein-protein complex
crystallizations. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 2006 Jun;62(Pt
6):605-612.[cited 2011 Nov 18 ]

2. Radaev S, Sun PD. Crystallization of protein–protein complexes.
Journal of Applied Crystallography 2002 Nov;35:674-676.[cited 2011 Nov
18 ]

Nextal sells the Protein Complex Suite.  Based on the above reviews, it
may be a good idea to start with something heavy on PEG.

Good luck,


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