Hmm- I wonder if B-factor unsharpening (applying a large POSITIVE B-factor to 
the data)
would have the same effect?

Francis E Reyes wrote:
On the other hand, shooting a lower resolution crystal may get you the 
conformation of the disordered domain.

Surprising at first thought, but was true in p97/VCP from the Brunger Lab.

On Dec 7, 2011, at 11:47 PM, atul kumar wrote:

Dear all

I have crytals which diffract up to 3.2 A at synchrotron, I am solving this by 
molecular replacement. I have built 70% of the model successfully,but the 
problem is it have a very poor density for some 30-40 residues at N terminal. I 
can't build anything in this region,this could be because of disordered 
structure or because of low resolution.what are the things which I can try to 
improve this?

suggestion are requested!

Atul Kumar

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