Thanks for the responses so far everyone.

For those that have already replied, did you or your lab try out any other ELNs 
before deciding on the one that you are currently using? Any feedback on 
platforms that may not have integrated well into your lab environment? Why did 
you end up choosing the one that you did?

At the end of the week I'm planning on putting together a summary of this 



On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 16:28:35 -0500
 Seiji Sugiman-Marangos <> wrote:
> Hi, off-topic question regarding electronic laboratory notebooks. Our
> lab is planning on moving from paper to digital record keeping and I
> was wondering which of the available ELN platforms are being used by
> the ccp4 community. 
> We are primarily a crystallography lab but we would also need some
> versatility in the platform as some of our lab members are more focused
> on biochemistry.
> Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Seiji


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