I second Stephen's comments on NanoITC. I haven't seen any improvement in
terms of volume. The total volume one should use is very much comparable to
MicroCal VP-ITC. Analysis software is OK--not so good--crashing some
times--GUI needs to bit robust in handling the data.


Krishna Chinthalapudi
Hannover Medical School

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Stephen Graham <sc...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> We bought a NanoITC from TA instruments last year and I can't
> recommend it enough.  We are able to get excellent binding curves with
> the low volume cell/syringe (200uL/50uL, respectively, which actually
> means 350uL/120uL in order to load both without bubbles) using the
> same concentrations of protein as we used to use in a MicroCal VP-ITC.
>  The control/analysis software is much easier to use (although the
> graphing capabilities could be improved) and the technical support has
> thus far has been excellent.  Also, as others have said it's a steal
> compared with the equivalent GE machine (both in terms of purchase
> cost and cost of maintenance contracts).
> Stephen
> On 17 January 2012 16:02, Jose Artur Brito <jbr...@itqb.unl.pt> wrote:
> > Dear All,
> > sorry for this off-topic questions but I would like to have some
> feed-back
> > from you on Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) equipments.
> > We have a very nice quotation for an iTC200 from GE Healthcare. We wanted
> > this one because it uses ~200uL sample per measurement (really nice when
> > your dealing with "precious" samples, ie., proteins with low expression
> > yields). However, I was told that, although consuming much less sample,
> is
> > not as good (sensitivity, mixing issues, bubbles, ...), as the VP-ITC (it
> > uses ~1.4mL per measurement, seven times more than the iTC200).
> > Does anyone has experience with these two equipments? Would you prefer
> one
> > over the other (please state your reasons)? Would you suggest another
> > equipment/brand for the ITC (like the NanoITC from TA Instruments)?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Jose Artur Brito
> >
> > --
> > ************************************************
> > * José Artur Brito, PhD                        *
> > *                                              *
> > * Post-Doctoral Fellow                         *
> > * Membrane Protein Crystallography Lab         *
> > * Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica  *
> > * Oeiras - Portugal                            *
> > *                                              *
> > * Tel.: +351.21.446.97.61                      *
> > * Fax:  +351.21.443.36.44                      *
> > *                                              *
> > * E-mail: jbr...@itqb.unl.pt                   *
> > * URL: http://mx.itqb.unl.pt                   *
> > ************************************************
> --
> Dr Stephen Graham
> 1851 Research Fellow
> Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
> Wellcome Trust/MRC Building
> Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road
> Cambridge, CB2 0XY, UK
> Phone: +44 1223 762 638

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