a comment to add about phosphatase (PP2A, C class serine theronine)
buying phosphatase for crystallization trials was kind of not
practical( very high prices )
so we tried expressing and purify it from overexpressed in bacterium
with yields very low.
Also the purified phosphtase co-purify some proteasaes that led to
proteolysis of the samples.
what is the experts here experienced in such conditions?
Judit, Is there a better source? cheaper and reliable?


On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Debreczeni, Judit
<judit.debrecz...@astrazeneca.com> wrote:
> Does your kinase autophosphorylate by any chance? -- That can produce
> differently phosphorylated species and affect crystallisability. You can
> detect it by e.g. mass spec, and tackle it by dephosphorylating the protein
> prior to crystallisation or by coexpression with a phosphatase.
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> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of CHAVES
> Sent: 30 January 2012 10:07
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Kinase crystallization
> Dear all,
> I am trying to crystallize a protein kinase without any success.
> I suspect about its characteristic catalytic loop. I have already prepared
> different constructs, different expression vectors, and different mutant
> proteins (pseudo-phosphorylated, active, inactive?). I have also tested some
> ligands as ANPpnp (non hidrolizable nucleotide), ADP (product) and manganese
> (cofactor).
> I am thinking in trying to cocrystallize it with a general kinase substrate
> (a peptide, a small molecule...). Does any one have any experience or
> suggestion?
> Thanks in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Antonio

Pius S Padayatti,PhD,
Phone: 216-658-4528

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