
from your description I do not quite understand a few points:
- what is the evidence that there are overloads? The Pilatus pixels have 20bits (meaning max contents of a pixel = 1048575) , and the OVERLOAD parameter is set to 1048500 (slightly below that). Do you actually see pixels with a contents of 1048575, but INTEGRATE and CORRECT do not report any overloads? That could indicate a bug in XDS, and I'd appreciate to receive a frame with overloads. - could it be that the hi and the low resolution run do not scale well because they correspond to alternative indexing modes? - this can happen in spacegroups P3x, P4x, P6x and a couple of others. In that case you can use the XDS_ASCII.HKL of one run as a REFERENCE_DATA_SET for the other run, and run the CORRECT job - it will pick a consistent indexing. - did you collect the hi res first, and the low res after that? If so, bad scaling is to be expected, because the crystal has a lot of radiation damage in the second run, resulting in elevated R values. It is much better to do the low res run first, producing very little radiation damage due to the much lower dose required.


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